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Florist Choice Bouquet

Handtied bouquets*, in a florist choice style with seasonal flowers. Delivery address MUST be within our local delivery route, see our deliveries page for our delivery radii. If your order does not come within our delivery area we will decline your order and payment will be refunded. Bouquets must be ordered a minimum 48 hours in advance to delivery date.


*Image displayed is not what you will recieve, just an example of the number of stems that can be expected. Specific flowers can be requested.

Florist Choice Bouquet

  • When you recieve your bouquet it will be freshly cut in the water, although you may want to transfer it into a vase. If so you will need to recut the stems at a 45 degree angle before placing into fresh water.

    After a day of recieveing your bouquet, the flower would like to be taken out, recut and placing into fresh water following the first step.

    Every 2 days your fresh flowers would like to be recut at a 45 degree and the water in the vase changed. 

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